Sunday, September 25, 2016

Kavre Drinking Water Pipelining

Drinking water pipelining was done in Pune tole, Tukucha 6, Kavrepalanchok. The work was completed on 25th September, 2016. JAFS/AFS-Nepal has been conducting such water projects in different places. The Pune tole had proposed for the pipelining from the main source.

Total 800 meter of pipe was provided by JAFS. The number of houses benefitted is more than 15. All the houses nearby has been using it properly. After the work is completed the people of those communities are very happy and using the water not only for drinking, washing but also for cultivating crops which will raise their economic standard.

After the pipelining it has become easier for the people living there for washing, cooking and many more. The water there is direct from the source therefore it’s clean and flows 24 hours daily.

The villagers are very thankful to JAFS / AFS – Nepal and donors for solving their problem without any hesitation.